Amazing Health Benefits of Menthol Crystals that You Should Know

Menthol is a by product of mint which is available in the form of white crystals. Menthol crystals are usually extracted from peppermint essential oil. The crystals are known for providing relief to various kinds of ailments like allergies, muscle pain, respiratory infection, and many types of skin conditions. So if you or any of your loved one is suffering from muscle pain or allergies, menthol crystals can be considered.

In today’s world, the demand of spice oils is equally great. The oil provides a great aroma of the spice from which it is extracted. For example, cumin seed oil or black pepper oil will be able to provide exact characteristic qualities of the spice. The oils are known for completely representing the complete flavour of the spice. Thereby, it can completely replace the characteristic of the spice.

Knowing about Spice Oils

The spice oils are the volatile components that are present in most of the spices. The oils are usually extracted through the process of steam distillation process. Basically, the oils are distilled off from the spices and then subjected to solvent extraction.

However, the oil that is usually obtained through the process of steam distillation is mainly used in cosmetics, foods, perfumes, mouthwash, toothpaste, and many other products. Spice oils are also used as a part of pharmaceutical formulation.

According to a research, a spice owes its flavor to volatile components and its taste to the oleoresin. Also, it has been seen that India is the top producer of spice oils and contributes over 70% of it. Other countries like USA, Japan, etc are major importers of spice oil.

Some advantages of spice oils are:


The concentration of the component is very consistent.


As these oils are manufactured with the help of high tech machinery and processes, the oils are very hygienic. They are not adulterated.


Spice oils meet various standardizations and therefore make it safe for using in various pharmaceutical products.

However, while discussing about these oils one should keep in mind that they are extracted from finest quality raw materials which are 100% natural. But one should not confuse it with essential oils. Essential oils like peppermint oil are also natural oil that has a strong characteristic odor f the plant and not the spice.

Menthol which forms an important ingredient of peppermint essential is also available in the form of crystals.

Menthol crystals are obtained by cooling down the peppermint essential oil. Usually, they are concentrated and added to various products in small amounts. Thus, the crystals can be found in products like toothpaste, balm, and many other cosmetic products. Apart from using in various consumer products, the crystals can be also used in the form of inhalation.

Here, in this blog, you will get to know about some powerful benefits of using these crystals.
  • Mixing menthol crystals with Aloe Vera gel can help in reducing itching.
  • Just like the essential oil, the crystals can also be used to allay nausea.
  • The concentrated property of menthol crystals can aid in the lung cleansing process.
  • When used as an aromatherapy, it can provide relief from stress and anxiety.
  • A small amount of menthol crystals placed on the forehead can treat fever.

Good health can be easily achieved with the help of essential oils. Treat yourself with pure essential oils and see the amazing benefits.
