The Various Types of Organic Essential Oils

Organic essential oils are natural oils in high concentration which are not soluble in water. The essential oils are prepared from different parts of leaves, flowers, and roots. Earlier, the essential oils were used to cure diseases but they lost their popularity with the birth of medicines. At present, many individuals are using essential oils because they have become popular. You should use the essential oils as per your need. These oils can be harmful to your body if they are used in excessive quantities.

Menthol crystals are obtained from the peppermint plant. These crystals are beneficial for the individuals who are suffering from allergies, muscle pain, emotional disorders, skin problems and respiratory challenges. The spas have been using these crystals for their unique healing effect. They help in improving the immune system of the body and enhance the healing power of the body. You should be aware of the various types of essential oils so that you can use them according to your needs.

Lavender Oil

The lavender oil is a popular essential oil which is used by many people. This oil is derived from lavender flowers. By using this oil, the activity of the central nervous system can be reduced. This oil also helps to improve the quality of sleep and helps in developing better concentration. The individuals who suffer from hair loss or alopecia can use this oil for hair regrowth. Lavender oil can also help in reducing anxiety levels and do not have a sedative effect on the individual.

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is obtained from the leaves of the Eucalyptus plant. It helps in killing microbes, insects, ticks, nematodes and mites. This oil can be used to remove strains of bacteria. In order to maintain a good respiratory health, you can use the Eucalyptus oil. You can get rid of congestion and cough by using this oil. It also relaxes muscles and reduces headaches.

Peppermint Oil

If you use peppermint oil, you can get rid of stomach upset, headaches, indigestion, nausea and anxiety. This oil also improves digestion by calming the involuntary muscles of the stomach. If you are suffering from an Irritable Bowel Syndrome, you should use peppermint oil. In order to fight breakouts on the face, you can use this oil. You can also use menthol crystals to obtain various benefits.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil can help you to get rid of microbes. This oil is derived from the paperback or tea trees. It is also used as an antibiotic. Tea tree oil is efficient in dealing with microbes like fungi, protozoa and virus. Tea tree oil also helps in removal of yeast and fungus. You can apply this oil to the wounds and cuts as an antiseptic to prevent infection.

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is prepared from the wild jojoba shrub. It is used to heal wounds. Even though the oil is not volatile in nature, it is beneficial to the skin. Jojoba oil helps wounds to heal at the cellular level and also reduces acne. You should include jojoba oil in your daily skin care routine to obtain healthy skin.   
You can use organic essential oils to obtain numerous health benefits.
